Interview with Lina Bautista

Today we present an interview conducted by Laura Orquin, a worker at Ceps projectes Socials, to Lina Bautista, a collaborator of the #Vxdesigners project. To begin, I would like you to introduce yourself. Could you explain to me what linalab is, your work is related to the creative, educational and technological fields?  Linalab is a … Read more

Second Transnational Meeting of the Project Partners – 1st June 2021

To share the progress and discuss details about how to develop further resources of the #VXDesigners project, the EU partners from Poland, Spain, Cyprus, France, Greece and Belgium met online. The meeting was intensive, and each partner provided a progress update, presented their local dissemination actions and outlined the next steps for the project. It has … Read more

Augmented Reality Art Festival!

Augmented Reality Art Festival! There are so many new ways we can design, explore and experience exhibitions: in or outdoors, with new technologies, with sound…. Between December 8 and January 5, the exhibition #UnrealCity featured 36 sculptures arranged as a walking tour along the River Thames. Discover it online: #VXdesigners #exhibitions #art #education #AR … Read more

Exhibitions of the Future?

Exhibitions of the Future? We are starting the year with some research about the use of exhibitions in education, and found a great report: “What can we learn from the current period to inform how we might reimagine ‘The Museum of the Future’?” #VXdesigners #exhibitions #education

Project kick off meeting

Project kick off meeting On the 23rd of November 2020 the following partners from 6 EU countries met to start the #VXdesigners project: ARTeria (PL), LogoPsyCom (BE), Les Apprimeurs (FR), CEPS Projectes Socials (ES), EELI – European Education and Learning Institute (GR), Citizens in Power (CY). Partners will start the project with desk research and … Read more