CEPS is a non-profit organization based in Barcelona working on EU wide projects. CEPS is responsible for the management and implementation of socio-educational activities for children, young people and adults, and further training for professionals. Expert staff research and develop innovative projects and practices. CEPS promotes a strategic and social view of the use of new technologies, and through participatory practices new models for strategic partnerships are developed at a local and international level. Social impact and creative activities are blended together into inspiring solutions for the community.
C.I.P. is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization that addresses the needs and demands of people through their involvement in social and civic life, by simultaneously providing them innovative material and free trainings related to a variety of fields, such as education (including on-line education), inclusion, entrepreneurship and business, culture, labour market and lifelong learning. CIP mainly aims at the development of education, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve these targets CIP has an ongoing collaboration with the leading universities, schools, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus for the development of projects, training and educational material. CIP retains a valuable network of professional trainers and educational experts experienced in both formal and non-formal education. This particular network is considered competent to contribute to the implementation of activities related to the initiatives of CIP and its partners.
The European Education and Learning Institute -EELI- is a Lifelong Learning Center/ Level 1 (KDVM 1), certified by EOPPEP (National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance/ Hellenic Ministry of Education).
EELI offers services in a wide range of community programmes aiming to actively contribute to the lifelong learning of people of all ages and strengthen cooperation in education throughout Europe. It deeply embraces the idea that people just never stop learning and through its work and its international network, EELI promotes research, regional development and cohesion, the development of transnational partnerships and European projects and skills to upgrade professional qualifications. EELI designs and manages European programmes; assisting stakeholders to work together, develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches; developing and testing of training curriculums and materials; organizing seminars, workshops and training activities for educators, trainers, teachers, professionals, unemployed and young workers.